Established: April 26, 2024

This privacy policy (this “Policy”) explains how AnotherBall Pte. Ltd. and its affiliates (“we,” “our,” or “us”) collect and process information from individuals (“Users”) who use the app and related services (collectively, the “App”). By using or accessing the App, you agree to the collection, use, disclosure, and procedures this Policy describes.

1.  Categories and Sources of Personal Information We Collect

1.1.  Information You Provide to Us

Categories Examples
(a) Registration and profile information Your log-in information for a third-party account (such as your Social media, Google, or Apple account), and your email address, birth year, location (at the country level), nickname, self-introduction, profile photo, and other information.
(b) Payment information To purchase in-app currencies or otherwise make payments through the App, a third-party service provider that handles payments for us will receive your payment card information.
(c) Information we request if you participate in contests, sweepstakes or surveys Your name, nickname, display name from a third-party social media account, date of birth, mailing address, email address, phone number, bank account and other payment information, Social Security number, Taxpayer ID, survey responses, audio recordings, pictures, live-streamed videos, and other information you choose to provide.
(d) Information you provide in connection with inquiries, customer support, or other communication with us Your name, email address, the contents of a message or attachments that you may send to us, and other information you choose to provide.

Please be advised that if you do not provide your information when requested, you may not be able to use the App if that information is necessary to provide the App or if we are legally required to collect it.

1.2.  Information We Automatically Collect When You Use the App

Categories Examples
(a) Information about your interactions with the App Live-streamed videos and other content you watch, amount of time spent watching live-streamed videos, your acts of supporting live streamers, “likes”, your comments, and gifts used while watching live-streamed videos, your level, in-app activity information during contests, in-app purchase information such as the dates, times, and amounts of your purchases, logs of your inquiries to our customer support, crash logs, the pages you request or search for, and the pages and profiles you visit.
(b) Information about your live streaming Your live-streamed videos, the times, dates, and durations of your use of the App, the rank and ranking history, the number of users you are following and number of your followers, number of comments and likes you received, the number of audience who sent comments, gifts and likes to you, and the number of times audience have watched your live-streamed videos.
(c) Facial movement and expressions During your live streaming, we use ARKit provided by Apple, Inc. to track your facial movement and expressions. We will not use such data for any purpose other than to make your avatar work on the App, and will not store or share such information with any third party.
(d) Location Information IP address
(e) Device and software information Information about the device and software you use to download or access the App, including User ID, unique device identifier, device model, locale, app version, carrier name, language/region settings, operating system name and version, mobile country code, mobile network code, IP address, web browser type, timezone, mobile advertising identifiers, including IDFA, GAID, UUID, Android ID, IDFV, Mobile ad ID, Firebase installation ID, Analytics App Instance ID, information about whether or not VoIP is allowed and other online identifiers.
(f) Information from Cookies and Similar Technologies We and third-party partners collect information using cookies, pixel tags, or similar technologies. Our third-party partners, such as analytics partners, may use these technologies to collect information about your online activities over time and across different services. Cookies are small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters. We may use both session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie disappears after you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the App.
We also collect and use the information listed in (e) above.

1.3.  Information We Receive from Third Parties

  1. Third-Party Services: When you link the App to a third-party account, we receive information about you, including your username, screen name, profile information and your photos from the third party. We may receive additional information about you from third parties such as analytics providers or marketing partners and combine it with other information we have about you.
  2. Other Users: We may receive additional information about you from other users of the App, including through customer support inquiries and from live streamers whose feeds you view.

2.  How We Use the Information We Collect

We may use, sell, or disclose the information we collect for one or more of the following purposes: